根据L,sqrt_price_x96,min-max-tick 计算出当前的实际储备量。同时计算当前价格。
- sqrt_price_x96精确
- tick:这个不精确,只有跨越tick才回记录一下
对应的池子 https://app.uniswap.org/positions/v3/ethereum_sepolia/30563
- https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v3-math-primer
- Liquidity Math in Uniswap v3 by Atis Elsts
import math
def tick_to_price(tick):
return 1.0001 ** tick
def sqrt_price_x96_to_price(sqrt_price_x96):
# Convert Q64.96 fixed-point number to float and square it to get the price
sqrt_price = sqrt_price_x96 / (2 ** 96)
price = sqrt_price ** 2
# 单独打印价格
# Adjust for token decimals
adjusted_decimal_price = price * (10 ** decimals_x) / (10 ** decimals_y)
reverted_price = 1/adjusted_decimal_price
print(f"reverted_price(对应UI上的价格10000)(reverted_price=1/adjusted_decimal_price): {reverted_price:.20f} ") # xxx token per ETH.
return price
def calculate_real_reserves(L, sqrt_price_x96, lower_tick, upper_tick):
# 将tick转换为价格
P = sqrt_price_x96_to_price(sqrt_price_x96)
pa = tick_to_price(lower_tick)
pb = tick_to_price(upper_tick)
# 根据当前价格和流动性计算实际储备量
if P <= pa:
# 当前价格低于下界;所有流动性都提供x资产
x_real = L * (math.sqrt(pb) - math.sqrt(P)) / (math.sqrt(P) * math.sqrt(pb))
y_real = 0
elif P >= pb:
# 当前价格高于上界;所有流动性都提供y资产
x_real = 0
y_real = L * (math.sqrt(P) - math.sqrt(pa))
# 当前价格位于范围内;流动性同时提供x和y资产
x_real = L * (math.sqrt(pb) - math.sqrt(P)) / (math.sqrt(P) * math.sqrt(pb))
y_real = L * (math.sqrt(P) - math.sqrt(pa))
return x_real, y_real
def calculate_real_reserves_with_decimals(L, sqrt_price_x96, lower_tick, upper_tick, decimals_x=18, decimals_y=18):
# 将tick转换为价格
P = sqrt_price_x96_to_price(sqrt_price_x96)
pa = tick_to_price(lower_tick)
pb = tick_to_price(upper_tick)
# 根据当前价格和流动性计算实际储备量
if P <= pa:
# 当前价格低于下界;所有流动性都提供x资产
x_real = L * (math.sqrt(pb) - math.sqrt(P)) / (math.sqrt(P) * math.sqrt(pb))
y_real = 0
elif P >= pb:
# 当前价格高于上界;所有流动性都提供y资产
x_real = 0
y_real = L * (math.sqrt(P) - math.sqrt(pa))
# 当前价格位于范围内;流动性同时提供x和y资产
x_real = L * (math.sqrt(pb) - math.sqrt(P)) / (math.sqrt(P) * math.sqrt(pb))
y_real = L * (math.sqrt(P) - math.sqrt(pa))
# 调整显示以匹配代币的小数位数
x_real_adjusted = x_real / (10 ** decimals_x)
y_real_adjusted = y_real / (10 ** decimals_y)
return x_real_adjusted, y_real_adjusted
# 示例参数
L = 171559584868497 # 流动性
sqrt_price_x96 = 25054131037751093162929900172930 # sqrtPriceX96
lower_tick = 111060 # 最小tick值
upper_tick = 122040 # 最大tick值
decimals_x = 9 # 假设Token X有9个小数位
decimals_y = 18 # 假设Token Y有18个小数位
# x:mkndx
# y:eth
# 计算实际储备量
x_real, y_real = calculate_real_reserves(L, sqrt_price_x96, lower_tick, upper_tick)
print(f"x_real整数无精度 = {x_real:.8f}")
print(f"y_real整数无精度 = {y_real:.8f}")
# 计算实际储备量并调整显示
x_real_dem, y_real_dem = calculate_real_reserves_with_decimals(L, sqrt_price_x96, lower_tick, upper_tick, decimals_x, decimals_y)
print(f"x_real_dem (adjusted) = {x_real_dem:.8f}")
print(f"y_real_dem (adjusted) = {y_real_dem:.8f}")
reverted_price(对应UI上的价格10000)(reverted_price=1/adjusted_decimal_price): 10000.01101595380168873817
x_real整数无精度 = 158385514873.74179077
y_real整数无精度 = 9999999999967028.00000000
reverted_price(对应UI上的价格10000)(reverted_price=1/adjusted_decimal_price): 10000.01101595380168873817
x_real_dem (adjusted) = 158.38551487
y_real_dem (adjusted) = 0.01000000
import math
# Min and Max ticks from the document
min_tick = 111060
max_tick = 122040
# Calculate the prices corresponding to the ticks
price_min = 1.0001 ** min_tick
price_max = 1.0001 ** max_tick
p = y / x; y:eth(18) x:mkdnx(9), 表示y=px,表示x的价格,1个x兑换多少y. // 1个eth兑换多少usdc.
p =
p(调) = y/10^y的精度 / x/10^x的精度 = p * 10^(x精度-y精度) = p * 10^(9-18)
1/p(调) =
# Adjust for the decimals of USDC and ETH
adjusted_price_min = price_min * (10 ** (9-18))
adjusted_price_max = price_max * (10 ** (9-18))
# Print the adjusted prices in human-readable form
print(f"The minimum price is {adjusted_price_min:.8f} ETH per mkdnx.")
print(f"The maximum price is {adjusted_price_max:.8f} ETH per mkdnx.")
print(f"1/adjusted_price_min: {1/adjusted_price_min:.20f} mkdnx per ETH.") # 使用 f-string 格式化,保留 20 位小数
print(f"1/adjusted_price_max: {1/adjusted_price_max:.20f} mkdnx per ETH.") # 使用 f-string 格式化,保留 20 位小数
The minimum price is 0.00006653 ETH per mkdnx.
The maximum price is 0.00019946 ETH per mkdnx.
1/adjusted_price_min: 15030.26478859876260685269 mkdnx per ETH.
1/adjusted_price_max: 5013.43203397946945187869 mkdnx per ETH.